Friday, December 6, 2013

Kale Chips !

Five months postpartum I seriously need to get back to a healthy life style.Lately I have been binging a lot.I need to mend my ways and get back on the health track.I intent to go slow but steady in my attempt to lose post pregnancy weight.I have a total of 8 kg to loose.Dont want to go on any of those crash diets or intense work outs since I breast feed so doing so might effect my milk supply.Just replacing unhealthy options with healthy onces is what I want to start with.So,I decided to make some healthy snack kale chip!!..I totally love them.They are great to munch on and super easy to make. 


  • A bunch of kale.Chop the stalks which is pretty hard and tear the leaves into bit size pieces. 
  • Drizzle the with some olive oil ,salt and pepper. 
  • Bake them at 175 degrees for 8-10 mins.Be careful not to burn them since they taste bitter if slightly burned or undercooked. 
  • Just store them in airtight container and take them out every time u wanna munch something.Kale is good for breast feeding moms.Its source of calcium. 
Have a lovely weekend and yes do share your healthy ways to snack!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Yay! baby loves the food!

Rays was suggested to start off on solids by his paeds at fourth month visit to the BVC.The paeds nurse asked me if I wanted to try solids since he seemed very ready,hearing this I was so happ.Had been waiting for this phase since the first month.The excitement was so high that I immediately bought rice cereal on my way back.Since Ray is allergic to cows milk I can only chose from milk free versions and was suggested by his Paeds to try sinlac by nestle.After my breast feeding experience which wasn't the best and I blame it on my ignorance of  bf basics.But thankfully I was able to do the damage control and get my baby back to ebf.So when it came to weaning I wanted to be extra careful.I started to readup on it right from week 11 when ever I got time.I knew from the begrining that I wanted to prepare my own baby food.I dint feel very good about the market bought ones,wasn't very sure of what goes in those bottles.Baby food is pretty easy to prepare and not at all time consuming.But of course I am gonna be using market bought ones when we travel or when ever homemade ones are not possible,After a bit of research I bought a few 1 stage weaning containers and annabel karmel recipe book for all stages.

Ray instantly loved the food. It was as if he was waiting for it.The fact that the baby accepted the food made me so confident.Alhumdulliah Ray is a pretty easy boy.I just started by 2 tables spoons of rice cereal however he asked for more.But I stuck to a gradual increase as sugguested.Just a lunch time meal to start with.By next week I introduced some carrot puree in the evenings and continued giving around half dl of rice cereal mixed with some breast milk or formula.He loves the carrot puree too.Its being 2 weeks and no sign of allergies.Its been a smooth sailing so far.I plan to introduce a new veggie or fruit every week.Lastweek it was sweet potato.This weeks special veggie will be potato.For now it’s just as fun as I thought it would be.Hopefully it remains this way.Do share your baby weaning stories ! baby food combos that your little one  loves.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Inspiring Vintage Candles

I have been wanting to bring some changes in my dinning and kitchen area.I desperately needed some change of scenery.Trying to peep up the place for winter.Dint want any major changes though just some change of drapery would be enough to cheer me up.So, finally this Sunday I planned a trip to ikea.We always intend on having our Ikea trips short but somehow nomatter how much ever we try they never are short.Ikea eats up the day.But I am not complaining.It was a good trip since I just love the  vintage flower patterned candles and wash clothes that I found.Also bought a floor mat. 

The whole change has given me so much of positive energy and motivated me to spend some quality time in the kitchen.I even had a friend over for lunch today!.So,next time when you are bored and feel no motivation to churn a meal,Just 
add a touch of something new and inspiring. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Play date and baby talk!

I find myself extremely lucky to be surrounded by first time moms.Many of my friends and work colleagues have become parents to their first born this year.It seems like a baby boom year.This gives us great opportunity to discuss baby issues while sipping a cup of coffee and introducing our little ones to each other.Although this week was an hectic one I some how managed to squeeze in two play dates for my lil Ray.Playdates can be real fun.Its so lovely to watch two babies of roundabout same age trying to interact and of course not to mention the gossip sessions the mommies get to enjoy!!

We had baby Zayan visiting Ray with his mommy on wednesday.

And Ray met baby August on Thursday.

Both the dates turned out to be great since the babies slept while the mommies did the baby talk.But the babies did have ten fifteen minutes of moms forcing and trying to make babies acknowledge each others presence or at least making them catch a glimpse of each other.Well at 4 months this is all the communication they can do.Lets hope they have more interactive play dates in future.But seriously play dates are fun and Ray is surely gonna enjoy some more of these!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ray 4 months- update

My little man turned 4 months on Saturday.Time flies.Cant believe its already 4 months since I first held him.My newborn is no longer a newborn.This has been the best month so far.Calm and predictable,atleast sometimes.Major highlights this month!.The tooth fairy seems be on her way.Ray has had all signs of teething.Lots of drool,drooling rash,ear pulling,cheek rubbing, irritable at times and has his finger constantly stuck in his month.I find it soo cute!

He had developed a routine during the end of second month but now it seems to be more established.This gives me a better opportunity to plan my days.Which is great.Ray has also started to roll over and to flip over his tummy.As soon as I put him down on his back he turns onto his tummy.I need to be super careful of where I leave him.

Ray is turning out to be such an attention seeker.He squeals and giggles a lot.and when he is really happy he laughs out loud which is quite often (Mashallah).Its so funny how I lose track of time when I start to play with him.He has also started to reach out for objects.Tries to grab toys.He seemed to be mesmerised by his feet.Keeps staring at them.Its an absolute delight to watch him try to clap and I love the way he takes my hand and starts to play with my fingers.
Ray totally recognizes his mamma and baba and gives us big grin when either of us come home after a few hours of being away from him.I am so looking forward to introducing some cereal to him this month since he seems to be prepared for it.I really can't believe how fast he is growing.At times I just want to freeze the time.I love being a SAHM.I Cherish every moment spend with him.It gives me so much happiness.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Ray of Sunshine!

After weeks of procrastination I have finally gathered myself to compose this post.I actually plan to share my everyday  moments some good some not so pleasant ones through this blog.I hope they are of use to any of the new mommies..
9th of July 2013 was a very special day for us.We were blessed with our darling son Ray.

It was an easy delivery even though I was in labor for five long days.I plan to do a post on birth story later.My pregnancy had been an easy one.I managed to work until a week before the delivery.It had been a smooth sailing so far.But the first month was a super chaotic one.Me and my husband being first time parents had no idea how to deal with situations and issues.With absolutely no help around  we however managed and now we have a super cute cheeky little monster with whom we happily enjoy our sleepless night.Although they are no longer sleepless.He finally sleeps like a bear at night.

Ray is now 3.5 months old.He smiles and giggles a lot (Mashallah).And totally an attention seeker.He loves it when we talk to him and giggle with him making silly noises.